ºÞ²z´£¿ô¡J ¥»©«³Q ¤d¬î °õ¦æ¥[«G¾Þ§@(2009-06-04)
¤Þ¥ÎI always needed time on my own dGi HO I never thought I'd need you there when I cry jd,i=P% And the days feel like years when I'm alone D,R',(3 And the bed where you lie #9Jr?K43 is made up on your side ~;a\S3 k& +gkJm When you walk away lSW'qgh I count the steps that you take |q8N$m Do you see how much I need you right now? {=?(v`88 d6ef)mw When you're gone gua7<z6=eh The pieces of my heart are missing you /PeT4hW} When you're gone Rw%?@X3m] The face I came to know is missing too ^ =n7E When you're gone 9Li*L&B) The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day HKJBR)T And make it OK KYtCN+vsG I miss you G_J}^B*?%v 16Jq*hKU I've never felt this way before iB"ji4[z Everything that I do :i4(cap&}F reminds me of you z fv@<' And the clothes you left Ul9^"o are lying on the floor ` =P_ed%&' And they smell just like you .=TXi<8Brw I love the things that you do Vub6wb<G[ MTZCI} When you walk away 3 dJ362 I count the steps that you take )\EIXTZY= P1T{5u!T Do you see how much I need you right now? NytTyk) nEd "~ When you're gone VOM@x% 6#c The pieces of my heart are missing you HXSryjF? When you're gone S-88m/"]s The face I came to know is missing too $zp|()_ When you're gone H.4ISmXU The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day T+&fUhSy And make it OK XLCqB|8`V I miss you R|M]mwa^w Y;_F ,4H We were made for each other Se'SDJl= I'm here forever 9!Q ZuZY I know we were &RARK8^ Oh oh oh oh oh ~Jr'4% Cm)TFh6 All I ever wanted was for you to know KFHZ3HZ:> Everything I do I give my heart and soul `|?<KF164 I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me ^AaE$G&: Yeah IiqqdU] <3BGW?=WP When you're gone %p )"_q!ge The pieces of my heart are missing you xm1di@ When you're gone 1g{}O^ul The face I came to know is missing too g:)iEw>a When you're gone 6[k<&; The words I need to hear to always get me through the day {{Ox%Zm And make it OK M' z.d I miss you /\- }-"dm v{t pRL0 ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j iSezrN ;!S5P( §Ú¤@¦V»Ýn¿W³BªºªÅ¶¡ E#:!&{O ±q¨S·Q¨ìúª_®É ·|»Ýn§A¦b¨®Ç r YKGX?y §Ú©t¿W¤@¤H«×¤é¦p¦~ >P~*@>e §A¥±`ºÎªº¨º¤@Ãä ¤wÀ°§AçE¦n¤F§É InbB2l4G ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B lr~ |=}^ §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü 1m"WrTen 7:?\1a ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á ~:7y!=8# §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A uc@4fn ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á z6@8IszU ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ PB$beQ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á d-1D:Hs? §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é Yft [)id ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú X;W0r5T §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A }WIkNG4{Z {Z8GG ±q¨S¦³¹L³o¼Ëªº·Pı SXqB<j$.; ¤£ºÞ°µ¤°»ò³£Åý§Ú·Q¨ì§A -fFtHw:kHh §A¥á¦b¦a¤Wªº¦çªA ,Kj>F2{ ÁÙ¯dµÛ§Aªº¨ý¹D ?s$d("~ §Ú¦n·R§A°µªº¨C¥ó¨Æ T(x@gwc ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B 7>gjq'0 §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü _J6 Xq\ |;~=^a3?q ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á G7" (,L` 5 §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A }wiyEVAh{ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á *4%pXm; ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ Wjl2S+Cc ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á UU>+ b: §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é G3^<l0?S ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú o!+%|V8Y §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A oFP8s[B ^zV_vB)n §ÚÌì¨Óµù©wn¦b¤@°_ J";N^OR{A% ¥Ã¥Ã»·»· |E?r+] §Úª¾¹D§ÚÌ¥i¥H /_m)D;!y §Ú¥u·QnÅý§Aª¾¹D @!dIa1Q" §Ú©Ò°µªº¤@¤Á³£¥I¥X¤F¯u¤ß njxLeDe- §Ú´X¥GµLªk©I§l §Ú»Ýn§A¦b³o¸Ì 8k-]u3 tlp,HxlP ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á J/e] §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A 46NuT]6/4 ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á $k0(iFzR1 ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ _?O' A" ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á vc"!3x-G* §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é rz_W]/G-P ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú 7\%JJw6h §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A
¤Þ¥Î AwGDy + 3_k3U QmB,~x{j> There was a dream qfEB VS( e?b<-rL A long time ago ol8uV{:" iJK rNRj There was a dram SxCzI$SGu JYWc3o6 Destined to grow _N`pwxpsb Tn3f5ka' EC|b7 FwGMrJW CARLOS TMQu'<?V U^X8{,8O Y hacerse pasion ud.Bzg:/ _`Sz}Yk Con un fuego abrasar 7dU7cc DK;/eZe >'zp <ByDT$E_ URS+DAVID T)B1V,2j= OG}D;Ew For the lifetime of heartbreakes harm. 8m"5J-uIi xR;-qSl7Ms That brought us here today :O}<Q aw:0R=S,> We'll go all the way #8d$%F)) Q-N.23\1 i(c'94M y0'" TONI BRAXTON way-Q7 "]`QQT-{0 And it feels like we're having the time of our lives 7e"(]NC84 M O/-?@w Let there be sunshine let it rain MY[" zv 2'r8#,) Let's come toghther as one and the some wB( igPi ~dwl7Qc Cause it fells like we're having the time of our lives =kLg)a | #Y*AG xk We'll find theglory in the end ':w6{b qO9_e For all that we are &[KFCn #UJ@P Dwil For all that we are E%-&!%_>D@ U%45qCU Forthe time of our lives Zy7@"C J:mOg95< I>-jKSkwc O'-lBf+< CARLOS 1.H"$D>TC pp[? k}@ Hoy es el dia r/O(EW#=8 hoeTJ/;dm Es la ocasion de triunfar <$njU=YE& 6v1#i Gz@%UIv t7A.b~# URS+SEB harm M3F8@|2 28BiuxVW Para hacer redidad el destino ?\#4`9 l1wxs@]( Que sondamos conseguir u X0wg <qRw! 'S^ 3 ^su%z_% 6OTxtk SEB+TONI(OOOH) CARLOS+DAVID \K?./* uV 6f~cQ Una vida de lucha >LU*F|F]B kkOYC?zE? Nos trajo hasta aqui dF.T6b ci^-0l_O Llegare hasta el final... Z *ZG5e !6 $>| ga~vQ7I_ cq9Q7<&MF DAVID+TONI+ALL UU ,)z 'FUPv61() It feels like we're having the time of our lives >Ia(g0 q2<J`G(tZ Juntos, unidos triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor 1[Mr2 @ Nm081ic2< It feels like we're having the time of our lives mmKrmM*1 }.gg!V'9w Toca la gloria junto a mi c3pt?C ``E;!r="v La hora llego 7kwG_0QO R{rV1j#@!a vaxg^n|v9 1Ev+':% CARLOS+TONI slmxit UQdQtj1' De la verdad %8{_;-f mcX akWmi El momento llego... '_&(Iwu jI V? p =!c+|X` m{5$4v,[ URS B*AMo5 eJA{]^Zf Y ya nunco jamas lo podre olvidar W|Tew-H{h_ ,6bMfz ;' W5|.ZN g|HrhUT; CARLOS+ALL+TONI F@lpjW 1G;Ns] u Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives &zd7t6 yy74>K Juntos, unidos triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor prs<ZxbQb :&-}S>pC I7_D $a= 9C 05 It feels like we're having the time of our lives 2"'8x?.V q{ 1U toca la gloria junto a mi [Z+,)-ke -}sya1(<8 La horallego 8'[wa -YyH"f La hora llego !dH&IEP~ )It4al^\ We'll find the glory in the end 5mNXWg7#] UhTr<(@ For all that we are @/(7kh+ XXcf!~uO }_22wjm~ K@~#Gdnl DAVID+TONI 7uxPkZbb t g*[%Jf^ For the time of our lives +|<b0Xd ncr-i!Jjk #jx?uS <'_GQM`G SEB+ALL 1@S6[&_ jGhg~-m For the time of our lives j/pQSlV I?g__u=n~ 4Z9 3g{ ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j "BfmX0&? N:[;E3?O *9ub.:EUwV ´¿¸g¦³Ó¹Ú·Q PjW+V` Z;'.pU~ ¤[¹H¥H«e 5l/l] pNQkKDbL+ ´¿¦³ÓÄ@±æ # pB:LPEsK :_a]T-GL µÞªÞ_§§ Z:J.FI@ ?mR[A`J58 DjzBG*f/ *>p(]_s, ¦p¤µ¦¨¬°¤@ªÑ¼ö±¡ <?{}Bo0xG 7XWBI\SW ¦ü¤õ½¯©µ fP1OH&Ar -yQ\3wli` <bZm `N.$LY;8 ¤Æ¬°µL¤îºÉªº´÷±æ ?b7g9 G4 ~)a;59<$ ©M¾Ö¦³ªº¼¤±æ LZC?383' za]p,bMX }R&5qpl .!8X]trEg ¦]¬°´¿¸g¤ß¸Hªº¤H¥Í X/8iJ-KB ^%%5 ¤~¯à¨Ó¨ì¦¨ªøªº¤µ¤Ñ 7(~H77 Wmjz KCl §ÚÌnÄ~Äò«e¶i 8Cs$NUU 1uS-Tx *Z]WaDw L0mnU)Q}C ²{¦b´N¬O§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è "x|NG,<[9 <VaMUm<2 ¨É¨ü¶§¥ú ¨É¨ü«B¤ô "c/s/$k// uo4$rf7 Åý§Ú̦X¦Ó¬°¤@ Az< 9hk v^c<`i; ¤@°_¤À¨É³oÓºaÄ£ªº®É¨è x:?a;m uf |^PLZ> ¦¨¥\¦b²×ÂIµ¥µÛ§ÚÌ DqzA U7 6Z7pztk ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á xeHb89GnoQ +:,`sdv6o ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á 3K#mF7)a SE^b0ZV*x ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è _MdZDhtm D=~B7b: pH\^1xj = !/nx=vgp ²{¦b¥¿¬O m@Ip^]9ry =\Vu=I ¨É¨ü¦¨ªGªº®ÉÔ P*SCHe' T")i+v Åý§Ú̹ڷQ¤w¤[ªº¤@¤Á q qe2,X? [{@zb-h §¹¬ü¦¨¯u e$Bf[F#;- Cfr<D3&,] kPO6gdwq$ ^S#\O>GHP ¥I¥X¤@¥Íªº§V¤O afY _9g!\ Vm~qk ²×©ó½ñ¥X³o¤@¨B If-,c^i ~ThVap[* §Ú¤@©w·|¨«¨ì³Ì«á v\%B 9fNu?dE Q54r?|'V l`b1%0y ²{¦b´N¬On§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è JY2/YDJ ~!ZmF(: ¥un·s¤â¬Û³s ¬üÄRªº¹Ú·Q²×·|¹ê²{ *#1y6^ b " ")BT ²{¦b´N¬O§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è SE^j= 1 R<;OEN »P§Ú¤@°_¤À¨É³o¥÷ºaÄ£ 4mN].X[, 9c6czirwR^ ³Ó§Q¤w¸g¨Ó¨ì ~H^'al2PK Tm)GC_ Xnv@H:$mxk <vB<` ¤d¯u¸U½T JiFA]M`^Q D XV@DQ ´N¬O²{¦b !K3})& w 4^DVW*OiI J7BFk ?= 9u,8q:I.? ¦¹®É¦¹¨èÅý§Ú¥Ã¥ÍÃø§Ñ ~x|aoozL =)I"wR"v$ EntF@ln! 7\A4vUI3 ²{¦b´N¬On§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è ZFS7{: '>j<yaD' ¥un¤ß¤â¬Û³s ¬üÄRªº¹Ú·Q²×·|¹ê²{ d2rL 8jW &]P"48NT qib7Z]j mxQR4"]jY ³Ó§Q¤w¸g¨Ó¨ì ;%' b;+ VeZey)Q ºaÄ£¦b²×ÂIµ¥µÛ§ÚÌ n*Q`g@` i S% ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á VFv9Q2/. CqqXVF3 *E:x E/M!2 !;%y$$gxh ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è zZ%DtxUoU. 1Cm~X$S. bpCNho$ R A:jzht ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è
¤Þ¥ÎTo win again d$t40+v pTJX""C To never stop finding w_hHfZ9E :nA.j"@ Moving as one PLX>-7@ =>iA gp'# Is the word for home #wY0D_3@1 M}O}:1Par Begin to place T/pqSmVpM S<`I Jpkv Yourself in the big frame .uF[C{RnO :o46rBs When you dream S >yLqPp ]e'fa/I When you dream l+*&:Q/ &V7M}@ Away...away A\fb< x/!5K|c verse 1: *=AqM14 @ \$sjrqKnu En at pour la victoire t] aea*B r [ : En at pour la victoire X5LBEOG zK|i='XSf C'est le moment de l'espoir /FD5G7ES <-'$~G j C'est le moment de l'espoir I,yC D7l_ /D!;u] Let the sweet air HpZ1xT YNwp/Y Fill our hearts .*g0w`H5pU JN+_|` Walk on and celebrate the... 21hv%CF\9 Q7Iw[=;\ Day the day the day celebrate the day... [AMAa]^ ]^'@[< Grab your drums -Eu6U`"( >zAUW[]C:I Paint your soul mKrh[nA CI353-` Feel the roar and celebrate the... ;X*cCb`h .*m>\>Gsgw Day the day the day celebrate the day... (hiyNMC svxw^0~a To win again >B]'fUt5a [8tL"G6s To never stop climbing hGpv2>M nt*Hc1I The rising road DL$@?.?I O T.*pk+<) Of ultimate faith 1UPC e lpz2 m\ Unity lOtDqb& ;4Y%PVz~D The world in a heartbeat :q#Xq;Wp [Xb@Wh:yG When you dream ZK>WW ?@E!u|]K When you dream v`M3eh@$A ,^uEYT}j Away...away yUpgoX(6 Q~Hy%M%R3 Day the day the day celebrate the day...
¤Þ¥Î ¦ãÁ¨¨à¡X¡X¡mI will be¡G§Ú·|¦n¦nªº¡n 1W^taJH] ºqµü¡G nxnv,AZG There's nothing I could say to you¡]§Ú¸Ó»¡ªº§Ú³£»¡¤F Y)* #)f Nothing I could ever do to make you see¡]¤£ºÞ§Ú¦A«ç»ò°µ¡A¤]¤£·|¤Þ°_§Aªºª`·N vqDu(6!2 What you mean to me¡]§A¹ï§Ú¬O¦p¦¹ªº«n keL&b/@ All the pain, the tears I cried¡]©Ò¦³ªºµhW©M²´²\³£¦bÀµ¨D &8Cu#^3 Still you never said goodbye and now I know¡]¨IÀqªº©p±q¨Ó¤£»¡¦A¨£¡A²{¦b§Ú¤~ª¾¹D 1WxK#c-) How far you'd go¡]§A¤w¸gÂ÷§Ú»·¥h¤F OEA&~4&{7 I know I let you down¡]§Úª¾¹D§Ú´¿¸gÅý§A¥¢±æ jFL #s&ft But it's not like that now¡]¦ý¬O²{¦b¤£¦P¤F X86O lP)eX This time I'll never let you go¡]³o¤@¦¸¡A§Ú¤£·|¦A©ñ¶}§Aªº¤â =Y|VgV I will be all that you want¡]§ÚÄ@·NÅܦ¨§A·Qnªº¤H ]hk And get myself together¡]¦Ó§ÚÁÙ¬O§Ú¦Û¤v CQF:Rnb Cause you keep me from falling apart¡]¦]¬°§A·|«OÅ@§Ú¡A¤£Åý§Ú°g±¦ G\2CR* All my life, I'll be with you forever¡]§Ú³Ñ¤Uªº¥Í©R±N¥Ã»·©M§A¦b¤@°_ Y']\Jq{OS To get you through the day¡]¦@«×¨C¤@¤Ñ nP$Ky1y G And make everything okay¡]Åý©Ò¦³ªº¨Æ±¡ÅܱoÀH¤ß©Ò±ý %[Wh [zZy I thought that I had everything¡]§Ú´¿¸g¾Ö¦³¹L¨C¤@¼ËªF¦è ayR-\mZ I didn't know what life could bring¡]§Ú¤£ª¾¹D§Úªº¥Í©RÁÙ¯à±a¨Ó¤°»òºëªö y" RF;KW> But now I see, honestly¡]²{¦b§Ú¤~¯u¥¿¹îı¨ì O_oPh] x) You're the one thing I got right¡]§A¬O§Ú°ß¤@¥¿½Tªº¿ï¾Ü 4&<oFW\r The only one I let inside¡]¦b§Ú¤ß¤¤¥u¦³§Aªº¦s¦b .o(fe\KHf Now I can breathe, cause you're here with me¡]§Ú²{¦b¤S¯à©I§l¤F¡A¦]¬°§A·P¨ü¨ì§Úªº¤ß¸õ Gp?a(-K5 And if I let you down¡]¦pªG§Ú¤S¦AÅý§A¥¢±æ ?+@n3]`0 I'll turn it all around¡]§Ú·|±N±¡ªp§áÂà¹L¨Ó _S<3\%(0 Cause I would never let you go¡]¦]¬°§Ú·|¦A©ñ¶}§Aªº¤â¤F J=9FRC I will be all that you want¡]§ÚÄ@·NÅܦ¨§A·Qnªº¤H ]b2p G' And get myself together¡]¦Ó§ÚÁÙ¬O§Ú¦Û¤v ey7 f9 Cause you keep me from falling apart¡]¦]¬°§A·|«OÅ@§Ú¡A¤£Åý§Ú°g±¦ FH?U(- All my life, I'll be with you forever¡]§Ú³Ñ¤Uªº¥Í©R±N¥Ã»·©M§A¦b¤@°_ 3%#3iZ=_ To get you through the day¡]¦@«×¨C¤@¤Ñ 0L2 F[TN And make everything okay¡]Åý©Ò¦³ªº¨Æ±¡ÅܱoÀH¤ß©Ò±ý q;T{|5/O Cause without you I can't sleep¡]¦pªG¨S¦³§A¡A§Ú±NµLªk¤J¯v HSjlD{R I'm not gonna ever, ever let you leave¡]§Ú¤£·|¦AÅý§A®¨®¨¦aÂ÷¶}§Ú [kVS O You're all I've got ¡]§A¬O§Úªº¥þ³¡ ~7*.6YnI you're all I want¡]§A¬O§Úªº´÷±æ 4[m`# Yeah T0wW<_jh And without you I don't know what I'd do¡]¦pªG¨S¦³§A¡A§Ú¤£ª¾¹D§ÚÁÙ¯à°÷°µ¤°»ò BTqS'NuT I can never, ever live a day without you¡]§Ú¨S¦³¿ìªk¤@¤Ñ¤£¦b§Aªº¨Ãä >?2M }TV3 Here with me, do you see,¡]¨ì¤F¶Ü? ¤F¸Ñ¤F¶Ü? :;t:H] f You're all I need¡]§Ú»Ýn§A!!
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