ºÞ²z´£¿ô¡J ¥»©«³Q ¤d¬î °õ¦æ¥[«G¾Þ§@(2009-06-04)
¤Þ¥ÎI always needed time on my own Q|>y2g! I never thought I'd need you there when I cry wv<"W@& 9 And the days feel like years when I'm alone (.c?)_G, And the bed where you lie G`pI{_-e is made up on your side k`- L5#` <1y%ch; When you walk away ;23F8M%wH I count the steps that you take Y4_i=}\*vf Do you see how much I need you right now? (<ejJPWT @*oi1_q When you're gone */1z= The pieces of my heart are missing you >4Lb+] When you're gone ,=mn* The face I came to know is missing too X#J[Nn> When you're gone GXAcyOV The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day (HTVSC%= And make it OK -x7L8Wj I miss you .Ee8s]h5W yY1&hop I've never felt this way before np~oF Everything that I do =$m|M m[a reminds me of you `);`E_'U k And the clothes you left +h =lAHn& are lying on the floor A`@we And they smell just like you ^}WeBU I love the things that you do x*YJ:t V3jx{BXs2 When you walk away a`T{5*@ I count the steps that you take ? 0%lB=qQ w,\Ua&>4 Do you see how much I need you right now? cD{[rI E3 )wKuumet When you're gone U $+rlw} The pieces of my heart are missing you [P[syi#]t When you're gone i$ Zhk1 The face I came to know is missing too oV*3Mec When you're gone "xh]>_;&' The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day j"c"sF\q And make it OK VQX#P< I miss you ^UJO( d/;oNC+ We were made for each other ^*iZN =\ I'm here forever Jk`A } I know we were (ttO O45 Oh oh oh oh oh D[U5SS!) ;VvqKyUh7` All I ever wanted was for you to know Y2Tg>_:t Everything I do I give my heart and soul = uOFaZ4 I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me WhvO-WF Yeah u{I)C0 iLFF "Hs When you're gone '*22j ] The pieces of my heart are missing you /VJ[1o^ When you're gone y*P[*/g The face I came to know is missing too Zr`:A$ When you're gone nE,"3X" The words I need to hear to always get me through the day 8on2BC2 And make it OK YT#"HYO I miss you Cgt{5 ! k&< ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j c>I^SY(r% h4ZrD:D0\ §Ú¤@¦V»Ýn¿W³BªºªÅ¶¡ #Jg)HU9 ±q¨S·Q¨ìúª_®É ·|»Ýn§A¦b¨®Ç ?(hdV?8)P §Ú©t¿W¤@¤H«×¤é¦p¦~ BLfoU _Z §A¥±`ºÎªº¨º¤@Ãä ¤wÀ°§AçE¦n¤F§É /f_lWr:9l ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B 8j8FQ!M §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü DN!:Rm uc eFbr1IV ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á '%kk&&3' §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A ~^Gk7 ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 6EJ,czt( ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ p.&FK'&[0 ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á Vhv<w O Ct §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é ><5tnBP|+L ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú 4R@3jGXb8q §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A KI#),~nS 6wfCC, 2 ±q¨S¦³¹L³o¼Ëªº·Pı YWjw`,EA( ¤£ºÞ°µ¤°»ò³£Åý§Ú·Q¨ì§A mM1\s>o §A¥á¦b¦a¤Wªº¦çªA b?qtTce ÁÙ¯dµÛ§Aªº¨ý¹D =((#k DrN §Ú¦n·R§A°µªº¨C¥ó¨Æ Kp8!^os ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B L<*wzl2Go §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü wF[^?K ' 3\G&fb|?}R ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 4 mPCAA7 §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A 4Rp2 ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 5 J61PuH ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ m^% [ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á Mo0+"` §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é _6(QbY'JV` ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú kuqf( §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A %5NfF65' s=#3f3 §ÚÌì¨Óµù©wn¦b¤@°_ *dL!)+:d ¥Ã¥Ã»·»· 6m|j "m §Úª¾¹D§ÚÌ¥i¥H FhHcS>]:. §Ú¥u·QnÅý§Aª¾¹D _T7tq §Ú©Ò°µªº¤@¤Á³£¥I¥X¤F¯u¤ß sTU`@}} §Ú´X¥GµLªk©I§l §Ú»Ýn§A¦b³o¸Ì e>=P' _ ^r KOd ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á Szsq|T §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A ;3-5U&Axt ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á hqmKUlo ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ wWQv]c% ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á mvyqCOp 0 §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é ! jm> ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú 2xN1=ug §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A
¤Þ¥Î )aquf<u@ .)})8csl.d 7*^\mycv There was a dream ci5ERv` "eI-Y`O, A long time ago ?`\<t$M xm~ff+(&@S There was a dram n5UcivyX ekI1j%fO Destined to grow 8c+i+gp! S~YrXQ{_>- 30FYq? N3vk<sr@ CARLOS %Iv+Y$'3B MnKEZ: 2 Y hacerse pasion z^~uq: aChY5R Con un fuego abrasar ,Q(n(m' z2!NBOv E3,Z(dpX! ~ ;)@a URS+DAVID L4.yrA-]C% @Z@yI2#e For the lifetime of heartbreakes harm. :+]6SC0ql } M'\s That brought us here today sF_.9G)S0 ),bdj+wr78 We'll go all the way '.WYs! 6xnJyEQUM &xH>U*c O|7q,bEm^ TONI BRAXTON LfOGq%& A!iH g__/t And it feels like we're having the time of our lives axU!o /m> *i5&x/ds Let there be sunshine let it rain aM? 7'8/ HaB=nLAT Let's come toghther as one and the some UfcM2OmbK *XtZ;os] Cause it fells like we're having the time of our lives Dvd.Q/f 2U~oWg2P We'll find theglory in the end #J2856bzS &e,xN; For all that we are dP)8T j nI)n* For all that we are A|RAMO@le pk;bx2CP8 Forthe time of our lives 'ARQ7 Q[` Mqw&%dz'_ puXJ:yo( 1f[!=p CARLOS c$uV8_ V Yl-09)7s Hoy es el dia 7qL]_u[^ 9QY)<K~a Es la ocasion de triunfar >2VB.f -pqShDar| JvHJ*E zI7-xqZ URS+SEB harm NRoi` IIj s/,St!A4! Para hacer redidad el destino .' .|s?s I"@5=m5 Que sondamos conseguir d>vGx ^vG*8,^S=8 zyCl`r[} U4LOe}Ny SEB+TONI(OOOH) CARLOS+DAVID PkG+`N $orhY D3gv Una vida de lucha ?"sk"{ \W1?Qc1] Nos trajo hasta aqui 3s>&h-E s*]1d*B! Llegare hasta el final... Sm,%> qvYw[D#. fMLm_5 (H ?<F\S2W DAVID+TONI+ALL DQ'+,bxk=9 6dg[ It feels like we're having the time of our lives 2@^8{ //6m2a Juntos, unidos triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor UGR5ILf B>~E6j7[Mp It feels like we're having the time of our lives [0IeEjL B VPf8!- Toca la gloria junto a mi Vwv O@G7A ]A'e+RD4k La hora llego o*dhks[ #UGbSOoCtn Z"E+ TX 'l<kY\I!% CARLOS+TONI e=_*\`/CN iOD9lR`s De la verdad + ^~n09 {O!fV<Vx 9 El momento llego... sQt@B#; Ob(j_{m 4V[+6EV I@x*> URS ok[R`99 ,',fO?Qv' Y ya nunco jamas lo podre olvidar }*+ca>K [%bshaY: mWka!lT m4kmJaM CARLOS+ALL+TONI hS<x+|'l >\VZ9bP< Cause it feels like we're having the time of our lives \N;s@j W (+T|B E3*# Juntos, unidos triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor +fKLCzj h`jtmhoz YMm Fpy vbh\uv& It feels like we're having the time of our lives w'U;b IWKQU/l! toca la gloria junto a mi {AQ3y,sh 9n44 *sZ La horallego lgre@M]mg .!=2#< La hora llego ~ dmyS?Or }0qgvw We'll find the glory in the end -,}f6* QiB:K Pz[ For all that we are >_tn7Z0L 6?(*:}Q 8CwgV M0n@?S DAVID+TONI q=g;TAXZl 'TezUBRAz For the time of our lives \*a7DuVw iv:[]o } n_9d. 'tp+g3V SEB+ALL n$B=Vt, E*j)gj9 For the time of our lives S'vrO}yU )Q&:$] FdzsWm ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j E0Ig/j ebp18_a| $yLsuqB} ´¿¸g¦³Ó¹Ú·Q LoqS45-) 3g^_Fq' ¤[¹H¥H«e $wub)^ ezgP\ct ´¿¦³ÓÄ@±æ 7GB>m}7 xOt%H\*k" µÞªÞ_§§ T:q!>"5 ~jQ|X?tR T;-&3 rB}Iwp8 ¦p¤µ¦¨¬°¤@ªÑ¼ö±¡ :&S6AP J-P> ~ L" ¦ü¤õ½¯©µ 2/<VoK0b PJ5~,4H-4 g\[?U9qN k?zw4S ¤Æ¬°µL¤îºÉªº´÷±æ [K1RP. IH(]RHTp% ©M¾Ö¦³ªº¼¤±æ {ss^L FZf{kWH j>Ce06G l6]:Zcd0 ¦]¬°´¿¸g¤ß¸Hªº¤H¥Í <H03i"Z/S lR3`4bHA ¤~¯à¨Ó¨ì¦¨ªøªº¤µ¤Ñ )(V|d$n 2NMS'"8 §ÚÌnÄ~Äò«e¶i qtlXDgppO ;7=pNK jNV)=s^ed[ TC[(mf:8 ²{¦b´N¬O§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è rnX D( &gGh%:`B ¨É¨ü¶§¥ú ¨É¨ü«B¤ô A><w1-X&=o my|]:(_0d Åý§Ú̦X¦Ó¬°¤@ !g|)?XWc P qUjBP\ ¤@°_¤À¨É³oÓºaÄ£ªº®É¨è vT1StOx<V *z852@ ¦¨¥\¦b²×ÂIµ¥µÛ§ÚÌ vU(uu:U9 m+m2<|%x ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á ^\"@r%| 9Su4nt`i ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á 2?c##Izn .R";2f3 ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è Q{K'# 3:]c> GPQ xa"8"8 #S4lRVt5 ²{¦b¥¿¬O UgD|tuz] S&JsDPzSd ¨É¨ü¦¨ªGªº®ÉÔ y]U]b G{ +`RQ^9 Åý§Ú̹ڷQ¤w¤[ªº¤@¤Á aTWCX${~b Tf*DFyr §¹¬ü¦¨¯u :HiAjaA1pg chC= $(5t Gv(?u ~NV 8avZ ¥I¥X¤@¥Íªº§V¤O ]I^b&N oE.59dx ²×©ó½ñ¥X³o¤@¨B `k;MGs)& YZdV0-S §Ú¤@©w·|¨«¨ì³Ì«á S.,5vI"s, Z<IN>:l fMm.V=/+ uvMcB9 ²{¦b´N¬On§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è o|V`/sW{ +ktubJ@Qgj ¥un·s¤â¬Û³s ¬üÄRªº¹Ú·Q²×·|¹ê²{ p>=i'~lQ6 vrq5 +K&|| ²{¦b´N¬O§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è or qL0i UC@Jsj~f »P§Ú¤@°_¤À¨É³o¥÷ºaÄ£ "&%Lhyt Ud& '*, ³Ó§Q¤w¸g¨Ó¨ì rbl7-xhC7 /T<))@$ 8pXqgIbmb gp<XTLJ@> ¤d¯u¸U½T 6an= C_Mb` eq(1'?7]`G ´N¬O²{¦b -2B3 xIZJ L\zyBfK} yu}yON A5E^1j}h@ ¦¹®É¦¹¨èÅý§Ú¥Ã¥ÍÃø§Ñ 2jF}n*[OW / ?'FSWDU Bn{i+8I YSbeCyv ²{¦b´N¬On§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è oU|_(p"e| k=4C" ¥un¤ß¤â¬Û³s ¬üÄRªº¹Ú·Q²×·|¹ê²{ `96MXP .*B@1q LP'~7FG 3el/,v|qj ³Ó§Q¤w¸g¨Ó¨ì o@L2c3?c5 cB)tfS4) ºaÄ£¦b²×ÂIµ¥µÛ§ÚÌ NiYT%K% GX=U6n> ¬°¤F§Ú̪º¤@¤Á CfT(a!;Eox pfR~?jYzm 6rM{r> L2c\i ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è D&x.io YU XxQ| a'g&1N0Rc =y >CO:^G% ¬°¤FÄÝ©ó§Ú̪ººaÄ£®É¨è
¤Þ¥ÎTo win again U#sv.r/L}3 <lU(9) L;& To never stop finding x9t% =Lb(N61 Moving as one *lu*h&Y