ºÞ²z´£¿ô¡J ¥»©«³Q ¤d¬î °õ¦æ¥[«G¾Þ§@(2009-06-04)
¤Þ¥ÎI always needed time on my own 1D)0\#>< I never thought I'd need you there when I cry trjpq{,[U And the days feel like years when I'm alone >h:'Z*9 And the bed where you lie i/C% 1< is made up on your side xR$T/] / sMVk]Mb When you walk away SAitufS I count the steps that you take %t6-wWM97 Do you see how much I need you right now? CvZ\Z472.j KkTE -$- When you're gone fD(r/~Vu The pieces of my heart are missing you NNr6~m)3v When you're gone `YwJ.E The face I came to know is missing too f|_\GVW When you're gone mT -[I< The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day g yV>k=B And make it OK dR_6j} I miss you ;ow)N <Z HnjA78%i I've never felt this way before #C. Everything that I do 9,JM$ Y { reminds me of you XC;Icr) And the clothes you left (y6}xOa( are lying on the floor KiI+ V;o And they smell just like you +XO\#$o>W I love the things that you do N>*+Wg$Ne T\$i=,_$ When you walk away %1jcY0zEQ I count the steps that you take ^<-r57pz 9)W &yi Do you see how much I need you right now? $Z;/Sh :8oJG8WH When you're gone WG6 0 The pieces of my heart are missing you ej}S{/<*n When you're gone 7mdd}L^h Z The face I came to know is missing too 'n-y*f When you're gone p)iEwl}!j The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day 9-{=m+|b And make it OK w5%i I miss you =(7nl#o Wpl/CO5z We were made for each other 'n,V*9 I'm here forever RfTGTz@H I know we were fM"*;LN!N Oh oh oh oh oh ?hkOL$v<9} KB](W All I ever wanted was for you to know nDC0^& Everything I do I give my heart and soul 0Z6geBMc I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me 6u+aP Yeah 2NMs-Zs rT/r"vr When you're gone [TFJb+N& The pieces of my heart are missing you y')OmR2h When you're gone 8\lh'8 The face I came to know is missing too 1Q>nS[ When you're gone G7nhUg The words I need to hear to always get me through the day Fa )QDBz) And make it OK a^p#M I miss you ]oB~8d 22CET9iCe ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j s;Gd`-S>d ai/|qYf §Ú¤@¦V»Ýn¿W³BªºªÅ¶¡ V]p{jLG ±q¨S·Q¨ìúª_®É ·|»Ýn§A¦b¨®Ç tR|dnC4U §Ú©t¿W¤@¤H«×¤é¦p¦~ C_Ewu*T7 §A¥±`ºÎªº¨º¤@Ãä ¤wÀ°§AçE¦n¤F§É :u14_^ ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B e|\xFV=4 §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü sE pI)9 RRIh;HhX ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 4 O!2nP §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A -fq ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á \wK&wRn) ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ XMrk2]_ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 0<uek §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é 5 #K*75> ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú {o}U"b<+Ra §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A %F;BL8d ,vR?iNd:q[ ±q¨S¦³¹L³o¼Ëªº·Pı ~3F'X ¤£ºÞ°µ¤°»ò³£Åý§Ú·Q¨ì§A .^Sglo §A¥á¦b¦a¤Wªº¦çªA AW]\n;f ÁÙ¯dµÛ§Aªº¨ý¹D J}#gTG( ' §Ú¦n·R§A°µªº¨C¥ó¨Æ `q?3ux ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B +%JBr+1#\ §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü $UR:j8C{p$ 7Sx|n}a-3 ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á !5`MiH §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A aM}9ZurI ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á D2$9$xeR ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ O_FB^BB ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á Na0^csPm §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é W A/dt2D| ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú cl& w/OJ# §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A tOIqX0dWd `16'qc §ÚÌì¨Óµù©wn¦b¤@°_ 7^eyO&4z ¥Ã¥Ã»·»· Z/Rp?Jz\j/ §Úª¾¹D§ÚÌ¥i¥H V(';2[) §Ú¥u·QnÅý§Aª¾¹D (xfc_h*xA §Ú©Ò°µªº¤@¤Á³£¥I¥X¤F¯u¤ß S\GWMB!oF §Ú´X¥GµLªk©I§l §Ú»Ýn§A¦b³o¸Ì V:\:[KcL^ mskG2mA ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á )N.3Q1g- §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A )D8op;Fn ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á #-L0.z( ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ X=QX9Ux?^ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á Y@FYo>0O §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é yYz{*hq ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú GfONm6A §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A
¤Þ¥Î 6n^@Ps Ej8g/{ H*e + 2 There was a dream m!5Edo-;< #a9O3C/MP A long time ago hd6O+i Y4 |az2vD6P There was a dram F1A40h7R$Y XO+rg&Pu Destined to grow e3ce?gk IVY)pS"pR" |Ve,Y )2_[Ww|. CARLOS L&