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¤Þ¥Î WWT1_&0 .$o A~ He was a boy she was a girl, 1NkJs& +0)H~ qB\ Can i make it anymore obvious DB(!*6#? eVj7%9 He was a punk 10^FfwRfM qWD(rq+9 she did ballet b8! ]I\9S{? What more can I say ~~q>]4> (wf3HEb_ He wanted her, but she'd never tell %Z*N /nU mDO! o That secretly she wanted him as well. pA6A*~QE 85lcd4&~ But all of her friends, stuck up their nose FM7`q7d Q 3/J@MC They had a problem with his baggy clothes a\&g;n8jA u:H:N] }s[`T e m Chorus ^U##9KkP t9)S^: 0 He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy $laUkD#vz l#Vg=zrT he wasn't good enough for her. 3i~X`@$k> ij1YV2v She had a pretty face but her head was up in space V[n,fEPBr FIUQQQ\3 She needed to come back down to Earth [&kz4_ rQosI:$ BN~ndWRK E6z&pM8<8 5 years from now e;2A{VsD8 ;]@Pm<f she sits at home GWv i VfozqUf feeding her baby she's all alone XlnSh<e zrf tF2U She turns on TV, guess who she sees "Q{l])N 7C R6ew~ Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV >P]gjYN )j\_*SoH She calls up her friends they already know Vf<q-3q lQEsa45 They've all got tickets to see his show 7O:g;UI# V7.g, She tags along Dt{WRe\# hRMya#%- Stands in the crowd mxpj<^n} 9Q!Z9n"8~) Looks up at the man that she turned down fI1 9p Q >|yP`m @BG].UJo FBbaLqgVF{ He was a skater boy y#th&YC_b K:GEC- she said see ya later boy 'GT^araz `'&mO9,<- he wasn't good enough for her v5@M 34 r)OiiD" But now he's a superstar fx>U2 esj6=Gh Slamming on his guitar V )1.)XC 3 ^K#\*P Does your pretty face see what he's worth GdY@$&z{i maN2(1hz =,h'}(z_ :0QDV~bs He was a skater boy &9|L Z9K 6`20 she said see ya later boy fGqX dlP &0tW{-Hv" he wasn't good enough for her H7z)OaM EwkSUA>Tm But now he's a superstar M=lU`Sm +:4>4= Slamming on his guitar r-TrA$k 1dw{:X=j Does your pretty face see what he's worth \"))P1 GqR|hg ~J&-~<%P} {\CWoFht> Sorry girl but you missed out K@{0]6 ;Q^>F6+_m Well tough luck that boys mine now y_}vVHT, s1[&WDedM We are more than just good friends IZ7o6Etti Nw$OJ9$L> this is how the story ends aHmg!s}& v_Sa0}K9 Too bad that you couldn't see @j_o CDS PJ0~ymE1~G See the man that boy could be m*A b<$y l nHY?y7{ There is more than meets the eye ,?er AI 8=TC 3] I see the soul that is inside vt2. i$u E+qLj|IU iD G&