ºÞ²z´£¿ô¡J ¥»©«³Q ¤d¬î °õ¦æ¥[«G¾Þ§@(2009-06-04)
¤Þ¥ÎI always needed time on my own $+80V{J# I never thought I'd need you there when I cry +QN4hJK And the days feel like years when I'm alone [l-o*@ And the bed where you lie 20}HTV{v is made up on your side jj`#;Y {<{VJGY7T When you walk away ykC3Z<pI. I count the steps that you take uUjjAGZ Do you see how much I need you right now? !SK`!/7c? E7O3$B8 When you're gone 9JdJn> The pieces of my heart are missing you !/,oQoG When you're gone ug,AvHEnB The face I came to know is missing too L]MWdD When you're gone vN(~}gOd\ The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day e[iv"|+ And make it OK -L/%2 X I miss you a]Pi2:S -Y524 I've never felt this way before +=/j+S` Everything that I do \HB fM& reminds me of you /rpr_Xw} And the clothes you left `!cdxKLR are lying on the floor 1{M?_~g4 And they smell just like you `LoRudf_` I love the things that you do wa,`BAKJ+F ,esEh5=Ir When you walk away -,/7u3 I count the steps that you take N&G'i.w/ oO;L l?~ Do you see how much I need you right now? B!mHO*g <6;M\:Y*T When you're gone !y$##PZ The pieces of my heart are missing you s=)W When you're gone bYLYJ`hH<R The face I came to know is missing too sq=EL+=j When you're gone A!GvfmzqIn The words I need to hear to will always get me through the day KGOhoiR9:C And make it OK GDCp@%xW I miss you cS Lj\'`b rL\}>VC) We were made for each other EPW4 h/I I'm here forever |-6`S1. I know we were ^GV'Y Oh oh oh oh oh %!iqJ)*~ 97 SS0J All I ever wanted was for you to know 274j7Y' Everything I do I give my heart and soul D?y-Y I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me *JImP9SE Yeah `ZL^+h<b>M JjZB!Lg= When you're gone \\EX'L The pieces of my heart are missing you (su7*$wV When you're gone ]?_~QE` The face I came to know is missing too +8ib928E When you're gone D0 k ,8| The words I need to hear to always get me through the day 5 `TMqrk And make it OK \V 'fB5 I miss you j8M t"B W2h*t"5W ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j hfJ&o7Dt \roJf&O } §Ú¤@¦V»Ýn¿W³BªºªÅ¶¡ a 7v^o` ±q¨S·Q¨ìúª_®É ·|»Ýn§A¦b¨®Ç #<Y3*^~5d §Ú©t¿W¤@¤H«×¤é¦p¦~ 3VU4E|s> §A¥±`ºÎªº¨º¤@Ãä ¤wÀ°§AçE¦n¤F§É %wl:>9] ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B +D @B eQu §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü RCa1S^. kReZch} ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á 5f_x.~ymA §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A :BR_%$ ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á uB\UIz)e ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ fiC0'4., ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á N/lEfy<&g: §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é QpzdlB44l ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú #/I+[|=[O §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A kqX%y cl#XiyK> ±q¨S¦³¹L³o¼Ëªº·Pı ~:,}?9 ¤£ºÞ°µ¤°»ò³£Åý§Ú·Q¨ì§A Uth+4Aq §A¥á¦b¦a¤Wªº¦çªA vC&0UNe$ ÁÙ¯dµÛ§Aªº¨ý¹D 3;b)pQ~6CJ §Ú¦n·R§A°µªº¨C¥ó¨Æ 5o{U$ ·í§AÂ÷¶}®É §Ú²Ó¼ÆµÛ§Aªº¨C¤@¸}¨B GYy8kp84 §Aª¾¹D§Ú²{¦b¦³¦h»Ýn§A¶Ü q%bFR[p<* x_8sV?F ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á P$Yw'3v/ §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A x| D|d} ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á (e_p8[x ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ 8d1qRCIz ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á <Ed; tq §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é GLub5GrxR ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú 5mVO9Qj §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A Ht43G_.j L\#G#1x8 §ÚÌì¨Óµù©wn¦b¤@°_ \N0wf-qa= ¥Ã¥Ã»·»· (-1{W^( §Úª¾¹D§ÚÌ¥i¥H vx6lud0k} §Ú¥u·QnÅý§Aª¾¹D t~}c"|<t §Ú©Ò°µªº¤@¤Á³£¥I¥X¤F¯u¤ß ,d!@5d&Zi §Ú´X¥GµLªk©I§l §Ú»Ýn§A¦b³o¸Ì _8SB+s* UZ<.R"aK ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á :Eh}]_ §Ú¤ù¤ù¤ß«ä¥þôµÛ§A LB.B w ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á ~tL:r= ²´«eªºÁy¤Õ§Ú³£µøYµL¸@ SG~HzQ\% ±q§AÂ÷¶}«á REcKfJTj §Ú´÷±æÅ¥§A»¡ªº¸Ü ¦ñ§Ú´ç¹Lº©º©ªø¤é w|I5x}ZFG ¤ä¼µµÛ§Ú G{|"WaKW §Ú¯uªº¦n·Q§A
¤Þ¥Î `FM^)(wT MO$dim> !zNMU$p There was a dream ~|~j01# ~:%rg H A long time ago W<D(M.61A ;|LS$O1c There was a dram vYNh0)$%F 6uijxia Destined to grow 61J01(+| VoJelyzh k&1~yW [af<FQ { CARLOS K>`7f]?H*e FT* o;&_QS Y hacerse pasion .baS mfc zAxwM-` Con un fuego abrasar O$%C(n( Ek ,s6B)'d ^E7>!Lbvx D n?P~% URS+DAVID B94mh nD+vMG1~w For the lifetime of heartbreakes harm. 66%#$WH# kgz2/, That brought us here today pAV}hB <oSk!6* We'll go all the way tp.qh]2c <bf^'$l yoj5XBM ` m`Sl[6 TONI BRAXTON |400N +MK BcT|TX+ct And it feels like we're having the time of our lives >=2nAv/( H3.WAg[` Let there be sunshine let it rain 56o?=| Y1 i! Let's come toghther as one and the some MWCP/~>a2 2WIbu-"l Cause it fells like we're having the time of our lives m4nJ9<- P,O9On We'll find theglory in the end Y:VM5r) '8>#`Yba For all that we are 'MM#nQ\( -[a0\H For all that we are S[NV-)r= odquAqn Forthe time of our lives <9/oqp{C4 c*_I1}l /GJ"##< u9>.x zYG CARLOS ;P _`4w3 r}QW!^F Hoy es el dia >.#uoW4ZV $+ZO{( Es la ocasion de triunfar yaA9*k `ivr$b# P7E}^y`e |n=kYs URS+SEB harm Eln"RKCt}9 Vk$zA<sw" Para hacer redidad el destino 7s5?^^ 9GkG' Que sondamos conseguir :M ix*NCf k KL^U TRAs5I% bK("8T\? SEB+TONI(OOOH) CARLOS+DAVID ^C):yxNP }k<b)I*A Una vida de lucha OV>T}Fq Ajq;\-: Nos trajo hasta aqui f8N =}r&>|rrJ Llegare hasta el final... *u7C){)gr[ Q_6./.GQ w_,. |RAi6; DAVID+TONI+ALL 5]p>&|Ud ',6QL4qV/ It feels like we're having the time of our lives X'jEI{1w g;v{JB Juntos, unidos triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor tJ.LPgfZ u;&`_=p It feels like we're having the time of our lives lbT<HWzNH * 2T&