¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îaiai07©ó2009-02-02 00:36µoªíªº: $@Fj_ N ²ö²ö总¬O这样,¤j·§¬O¥L说¤F¤°?¨ë¿E¨ì¯«无¤ë¤F,©Ò¥H对¤è¤~会¼É¨«ªº. hlZjk0ez ¦ý还¬O¦n¤ß¯k°Ú~~TT
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îmarillsnoopy©ó2009-02-02 05:05µoªíªº: ;k0*@c* testing~ ªZ©Ó«Ò continues to test ²ö¥l¥£ because he wish ²ö¥l¥£ to show ²ö¥l¥£ care him. However, ²ö¥l¥£ always gives him the answer he does not want to hear. ªZ©Ó«Ò wish ²ö¥l¥£ to open heart to him, but ²ö¥l¥£ always refuses~ So:89T ~VKw%WK ªZ©Ó«Ò feels ²ö¥l¥£ cares other people more than him and feels unsafe. But ªZ©Ó«Ò cannot find the way to let ²ö¥l¥£ open his heart~ 19S,> \0$?r4A Their relationship is so interesting. I want to know what reason causes ²ö¥l¥£ decide to leave ªZ©Ó«Ò again, and what ²ö¥l¥£'s behavior cause ªZ©Ó«Ò废¦Z
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îorwell©ó2009-02-02 05:23µoªíªº: o5)U3U1| ¬G¨Æ¶V¨Ó¶V¦³½ì¡A§Ú¦³¦^¥h¦A¬Ý²Ä¤@³¹ 'K0Y@y «Ü¦n©_¥L̨â¤H¤§¶¡¨s³ºµo¥Í¤F¤°»ò¨Æ¡HÅý¬Ó¦Z¥´¤W¥£Áõ¤§¦L¡H @g{=f55 ;{>z\6N ¡§¥u¦³§A¡A®Ó¦p¦óªÙ±o¡K¡K¡¨ ³o¥y¸Ü¬O·½ªZÂæۤv»¡ªº ^xq%P2s0 ¨Æ«á¤£Ä±±o«Ü¿Ø¨ë¶Ü¡H¦pªG¤£ªÙ±o¡A«ç»òÅý²ö¥l¥£¥´¤W¥£Áõ¤§¦L¡AÁÙ¦¨¤F¼o¤H...>"< rO-Tr .......
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Î¤ôY´H©ó2009-02-02 14:34µoªíªº: eX}uZR ±¡敌¥X现¤F,¤£ª¾¹D会发¥Í¤°¤¨Æ±? T9u/|OP ¨ä实²ö²ö说¨º¨Ç话,«Ü©ú显¥L¬O¦b¥ÍÉa @$Y`I{Xf ¤£过¤£¸Ñ风±¡这个问题,¥iÌ°ªºªZ©Ó«Ò. ];IUiS1 ¤j·§²ö²ö这辈¤l³£«Ü难©ú¥Õ¤F§a.>///<
¤Þ¥Î¤U±¬O¤Þ¥Îxvcsfd132465©ó2009-02-02 17:13µoªíªº: Q-(twh ³o¬O¶Ç»¡¤¤ªº¤T¨¤ÅʶÜ?! -cEjB%Neo jFnq{Lt ¸Ü»¡²ö²ö¨C¦¸³£³QÅQ¹Dªº¯«¨û¦Y±¼~³£¤£¯à¤Ï§Ü~¹ê¦b¤Ó¥i¼¦¤F~ 7 zK%CJ )9J&M