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¤Þ¥Î <F"G~.^ *s :}/\hz , He was a boy she was a girl, Aayd3Ph0% a1u4v/Qu9 Can i make it anymore obvious |W@Ko%om W1t_P&i He was a punk bn5O2 +7nvy^m she did ballet E|SmvIV- a|#pl! What more can I say nn$^iw` ]#rV]As He wanted her, but she'd never tell dLwP7#r 7!FiPH~kM That secretly she wanted him as well. ggYi 7Wzsd ZrA*MN But all of her friends, stuck up their nose ?hR0 MnP :,j^ei They had a problem with his baggy clothes rg]b$tL~ 6c/0OM# qQO*:_ezzk :,R>e}lM Chorus QMrH%Y g2'K3e?.% He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy U2vb&Qu/ a|3+AWL% he wasn't good enough for her. [fb9;,x` >1]hR)Ip She had a pretty face but her head was up in space W$J.B!O zcH"Kh& She needed to come back down to Earth $#W^JWN1 ui|6ih$+ >TawJ"q-6R p|a`Q5z! 5 years from now k]RQ 7e ]W~M?1} she sits at home |UQ[pas CL-?Mi=Uc feeding her baby she's all alone p:{L fQ {Dy,|}7s She turns on TV, guess who she sees lb=fS% M\7F1\ X Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV ]iFW>N*a Z.unCf3Q She calls up her friends they already know _,UYbD\[J} ,nP nH1vb They've all got tickets to see his show CD^@*jH9" f.oY:3h: She tags along $-!7<a- oblw!) Stands in the crowd mRGr+m )qFqf<:yc Looks up at the man that she turned down w Bm4~~_ pI>GusXg wnLpf ) R\";{`M He was a skater boy z{V#_( +#(GU9_i+M she said see ya later boy Bqk+ne rfSEL 57' he wasn't good enough for her 9Q\B1Q L6!Hv{ijn But now he's a superstar =_Z.x&fi >!o!rs Slamming on his guitar ]<q!pE;t ,5 3`t Does your pretty face see what he's worth AAB_Ytf J^~J& "15frr? Ze[\y(K! He was a skater boy Jiru~Vo+ ~52'iI)Mw she said see ya later boy < mFU T qk0cf~gz he wasn't good enough for her 9~K+h/ rploQF~OFF But now he's a superstar 3qV\XC+ YuzVh9jTI Slamming on his guitar />>KCmc |&bucG= Does your pretty face see what he's worth ^ ~Tn[w W_ Sb)} %)&Tr` evVxzU& Sorry girl but you missed out L}g#h+GP[ ,&Zk63V Well tough luck that boys mine now 0+e0<' k%s,(2)30 We are more than just good friends 65mfq&"P? n \&H~0X this is how the story ends ps/|^8aGZ gh^w !tH3 Too bad that you couldn't see Ou f \%E< %\!0*(8 See the man that boy could be N\CHIsVm> xz+;1JAL3 There is more than meets the eye ,.<c|5R "`a,/h' I see the soul that is inside Zu2 $$_+L M}=fdH 6_g6e2F =<ht@-1 He's just a boy 6&2{V? W3 ``rYzj_ and I'm just a girl dLR[<@E ;^)4u Can i make it anymore obvious Z 2$S'}F ?dCJv_w We are in love haven't you heard m/,8\+ ?]TtUoY=)F How we rock each others world D<*)^^ =65XT^ |n(b>.X ~ntDzF I'm with the skater boy /6y;fx +.m:-^9 I said see you later boy .9<euPrz 9h6siK(F I'll be backstage after the show Emk:@$3{r ^Q!A4qOQ I'll be at the studio 1ZvXRJ)% h6tYy_(G singing the song we wrote EKmn@S-&P `2q]ju about a girl you used to know /d$kz&aIV ~P*{%= a Ir5E*op7D SUsdX[byb I'm with the skater boy A3.pz6iT> @CC 6`D I said see you later boy b$`/f:_ j`MK\*qmz I'll be backstage after the show =}SLQdT 0}g~69Z1= I'll be at the studio ^<j =.E >#Bu [nD% singing the song we wrote # `@jVX0 7<X!Xok about a girl you used to know acj-*I NezE]'} (/!zHq Z[1|(' )X8N|W>vh ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j Y&$puiH-j QEF$Jx ZRFHs>0 pK0@H "$8 KfQR(e9n ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¤¤Ä¶ºqµü: h)z2#qfc <%=<9~e ¥L¬OÓ¨k«Ä ¦o¬OÓ¤k«Ä |vxmgX) Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a Lw<.QMN%f ¥L¬OÓÃe§J ¦o·R¸õªÝÁ¢ 5>~D3?IAd ÁÙ¦³½Ö¤ñ¥Ļó³t°tªº©O R pT7Nr ¥L·Q°l¦o ¥i¬O¦o«o±q¨Ó 3XNk*Y[5 ¨S¦³¨p¤U»¡¹L¦o¤]³ßÅw¥L 3L{)Y`P ¤£®Æ¦oªºªB¤Í̳£«D±`ź¶Æ 8T"kQB.Zv ¦o̹ï¥Lªº«±¦ç«±¿Ç«Ü¦³·N¨£ ? ^`fPH= nL[G@1nR ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ h]j>S ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o x1}Ono3"T ¦oªºÁy³J¬üÄR ¥i¬O²´¥ú¤Ó°ª 3kVN[0 ÁöµM¦p¦¹ ¦oÁÙ¬O±oÅU¤Î²{¹ê¼h± c Ze59 D?4bp'0 3 ¤¦~«áªº²{¦b ¦o§¤¦b®a¸Ì o3h>)4 ©t³æªº¤@Ó¤H¦bÁý«Ä¤l /+m2|Ij( ¦o¥´¶}¹qµø ²q¦o¬Ý¨£¤F½Ö¡H |n~,{= ¨ºÓ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦bMTV¤W«lºq¼ö»R sFsf~| ¦o¥´¹q¸Üµ¹ªB¤ÍÌ ¦o̳£¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F W mx3@]< ¦Ó¥B³£¶R¤F²¼n¥h¬Ý¥Lªºªíºt $ k_6 ¦o§ÀÀHµÛ¤j®a¯¸¦b¤H¸s¤¤ R{Cbp=3J ©ïÀY¬ÝµÛ¨ºÓ³Q¦o©Úµ´ªº¨k«Ä i4&V+h" /NxuNi;5 ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ Fe.90) ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o ,,lR\!>8 ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P ^$[iLX ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H g2A#BMe'.$ ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ !-ZY_ ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o J5Ti@(G5V ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P $KlaZ>Dh ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H ]0W64cuT [8K :ml «Ü©êºp©p¿ù¹L¤F¤j¦n¾÷·| #qeC)T ¨º¨k«Ä²{¦b¬O§Úªº¤F ¦Ó¥B§Ṳ́£¥u¬O¦nªB¤Í F@zTz54t ¬G¨Æªºµ²§½´N¬O¦p¦¹ ¯u¿ò¾Ñ©p¬Ý¤£¨ì "{zqXM}:C ¬Ý¤£¨ì¨ºÓ¨k«Ä¥i¥HÅܦ¨¶W¯Å¥¨¬P U\M9sTqo §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¤£¥u¬O¥Lªº²´·ú MZ~N}y §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¦Ó¬O¥LªºÆF»î <5}j(jxz} 0f_A"K ¥L¥u¬OÓ¨k«Ä §Ú¥u¬OÓ¤k«Ä 7U2B=]<e- Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a kfZ(:3W$ §ÚÌ©¼¦¹¬Û·R ©p¨SÅ¥»¡¶Ü¡H mc{W\H §ÚÌ·n¾Ù©¼¦¹ªº¥@¬É ekqS=KfWl; §Ú©M·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦b¤@°_ §Ú¸ò¥L»¡«Ý·|¨à¨£ W_,7hvE?"H ªíºtµ²§ô«á§Ú·|¦b«á¥x 'pB? µM«á¥h¿ýµ«Ç°Û¨ºº§Ú̦X¼gªº G\^<MR| Ãö©ó¤@Ó§A»{ÃѪº¤k«Äªººq