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¤Þ¥Î J Sms \ e:(~=9}Li He was a boy she was a girl, u`wT_?%w F <.} q|b Can i make it anymore obvious E akS(Q? 'p4b8:X He was a punk fqZ+CzH 4.'KT;[_1/ she did ballet 7.(vog"I) K9Bi2/N What more can I say ;aUI3n% Bk8 '*O/) He wanted her, but she'd never tell !' jXN82 BXX1G That secretly she wanted him as well. 6|{uZNz q pFzK But all of her friends, stuck up their nose c$]NXKcA !GBGC|avE They had a problem with his baggy clothes D(gpF85t Y\ G^W8 qYR+qSAJP XrQS?D` Chorus V39)[FH} o)IcAqN$H He was a sk8r boy, she said see ya later boy 1@A*Jj[R% &<%U7?{~ he wasn't good enough for her. |h65[9DMP >zWVM1\\j She had a pretty face but her head was up in space sTGe=}T8 &_y+hV{ She needed to come back down to Earth k0R;1lZ0n Eb=;D1)y] YP vg(T {cBLm/C 5 years from now 2-M]!x) _G5MQ%z she sits at home vH^^QI:em #]5|Qhrr+ feeding her baby she's all alone ?W"9G0hTqM iXDQ2&gE* She turns on TV, guess who she sees ZW|VAn'> B.J4}Ua Sk8r Boi rocking up MTV DeTZl+qm1E $W;IW$ She calls up her friends they already know |_;Vb !j.jvI%e; They've all got tickets to see his show WtTwY8HC nNff~u)I She tags along l7r!fAV-f 6\9 9WQ Stands in the crowd ?$^qcpJCp fE/8;v!= Looks up at the man that she turned down kM?p >V6 cuP5cL/Y Xsc5@O! R`:NUGR He was a skater boy 1H_#5hd $|YIr7?R she said see ya later boy [y T4n.f N+PW,a he wasn't good enough for her QPfS3%p` VPTT*a` But now he's a superstar SS;QPWRZ _ QM Slamming on his guitar 97Qng*i hqY9\,.C Does your pretty face see what he's worth p\8cl/~ ^F~e?^s zY|]bP[NEH 8P!dk5,,O He was a skater boy BifA&o% bhSpSul she said see ya later boy HJ5m5':a Y(SgfWeK@1 he wasn't good enough for her 8y!fqXm%) IR%a+;Xs But now he's a superstar l#o43xr 9,'5~+7 Slamming on his guitar }FMl4 _}u 64\Z OG\, Does your pretty face see what he's worth WytCc>oL o oIMN = =tH+e7it `z)!!y Sorry girl but you missed out ojVpw4y. {zUc*9 Well tough luck that boys mine now 6DJ,/J2F ".xai.trr We are more than just good friends _|TE )h MQY1he2M this is how the story ends Lx?bO`=qg7 vEzzdDwi6 Too bad that you couldn't see OqBw&zm *-|+phim See the man that boy could be Ti3BlWQH u."fJ2}l0X There is more than meets the eye Z{p6Q1u sD{b0mZT I see the soul that is inside .4!N#' t48(GKF &ApJ'uC 2J4|7UwJ He's just a boy 38q@4U=aiw fr#lH3 and I'm just a girl iY|YEi8 DQlaSk4hF_ Can i make it anymore obvious Y[~6f,?^ eF8`an5S We are in love haven't you heard 5h:SH]tn8] 0dcXgP How we rock each others world <Z m ,q} [V)sCAW (FjgnsW =(n'#mV I'm with the skater boy )%y~{j+ M [BQw$8+n_ I said see you later boy (J$A Tc88U8Gc I'll be backstage after the show .897Z|$VB amBz75N{ I'll be at the studio 3-mw-;. <;6]) singing the song we wrote $k`8Zx w 7@lXN8_f about a girl you used to know pK8nzGQl7 5./(fgx> li%-9Jd iO!lG I'm with the skater boy CD&m4^X5D *2AQ'%U~ I said see you later boy 6#KI? 6 %UQ{'JW?K I'll be backstage after the show vfv5ex( NdNfai I'll be at the studio llleo8 *.*:(7` singing the song we wrote lXPn]iLJ ltrSTH,kL about a girl you used to know [*vN`AfE o 4b{>x g\-3c=X $dnHUBB 2:N_c\Vi ¡i¤¤¤åºqµü¡j ^97ZH)Ww 2Y4&Sba^Y _Y|kX2l S@ 'YR5i^:t U]D.z}0 ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¤¤Ä¶ºqµü: ? g{,MP5 H n!vTB ¥L¬OÓ¨k«Ä ¦o¬OÓ¤k«Ä Cv~hU%1T Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a Ozv.;}SE ¥L¬OÓÃe§J ¦o·R¸õªÝÁ¢ /a(zLHyz) ÁÙ¦³½Ö¤ñ¥Ļó³t°tªº©O gk z#kiGF ¥L·Q°l¦o ¥i¬O¦o«o±q¨Ó 1QJ$yr ¨S¦³¨p¤U»¡¹L¦o¤]³ßÅw¥L 7S2F^,w ¤£®Æ¦oªºªB¤Í̳£«D±`ź¶Æ 5lxq-E3 ¦o̹ï¥Lªº«±¦ç«±¿Ç«Ü¦³·N¨£ BZ<z@DJp u-9t s ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ Rdg0WT*;j ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o na3kHx@ ¦oªºÁy³J¬üÄR ¥i¬O²´¥ú¤Ó°ª h<K;VpL6 ÁöµM¦p¦¹ ¦oÁÙ¬O±oÅU¤Î²{¹ê¼h± 7h]R{ _ ]2%P``Yj ¤¦~«áªº²{¦b ¦o§¤¦b®a¸Ì 9,5II0N L ©t³æªº¤@Ó¤H¦bÁý«Ä¤l x#0@$ ¦o¥´¶}¹qµø ²q¦o¬Ý¨£¤F½Ö¡H %9/) ¨ºÓ·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦bMTV¤W«lºq¼ö»R aTh%oBrtP ¦o¥´¹q¸Üµ¹ªB¤ÍÌ ¦o̳£¤w¸gª¾¹D¤F R$fIb}PDr ¦Ó¥B³£¶R¤F²¼n¥h¬Ý¥Lªºªíºt mY8=qkZE ¦o§ÀÀHµÛ¤j®a¯¸¦b¤H¸s¤¤ D:ugP, ©ïÀY¬ÝµÛ¨ºÓ³Q¦o©Úµ´ªº¨k«Ä rgzI 4_%FSW8- ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ Z{Zox[/ ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o ePpK+E[0Z ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P un^IQMIh ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H 1ysLZ;K ¥L¬OӷƪO¤Ö¦~ ¦o»¡ÁÂÁ¦AÁpµ¸ /eRtj:9M ¹ï¦o¦Ó¨¥ ¥L°t¤£¤W¦o eH!|MHe ¦p¤µ¥L¬OÓötµÛ¦N¥Lªº¶W¯Å¥¨¬P /e sk ©pªº¬üÄRÁy³J¬Ý¥X¥Lªº»ùȤF¶Ü¡H `VFl|o#H z#J/*712 «Ü©êºp©p¿ù¹L¤F¤j¦n¾÷·| '}`hY1v ¨º¨k«Ä²{¦b¬O§Úªº¤F ¦Ó¥B§Ṳ́£¥u¬O¦nªB¤Í Mto~ / ¬G¨Æªºµ²§½´N¬O¦p¦¹ ¯u¿ò¾Ñ©p¬Ý¤£¨ì n{Qh8" ¬Ý¤£¨ì¨ºÓ¨k«Ä¥i¥HÅܦ¨¶W¯Å¥¨¬P sHTePEJ_h §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¤£¥u¬O¥Lªº²´·ú Eb[H3v48, §Ú¬Ý¨ìªº ¦Ó¬O¥LªºÆF»î Wx|6A#cg! Df,VV+ ¥L¥u¬OÓ¨k«Ä §Ú¥u¬OÓ¤k«Ä ,q@(L Âæ¤lÁ¿À³¸Ó«Ü²M·¡¤F§a C$RAJ §ÚÌ©¼¦¹¬Û·R ©p¨SÅ¥»¡¶Ü¡H 4Eh BpTg §ÚÌ·n¾Ù©¼¦¹ªº¥@¬É KO]?>>5S6 §Ú©M·ÆªO¤Ö¦~¦b¤@°_ §Ú¸ò¥L»¡«Ý·|¨à¨£ WUWb5xA ªíºtµ²§ô«á§Ú·|¦b«á¥x Pv-V7`{ µM«á¥h¿ýµ«Ç°Û¨ºº§Ú̦X¼gªº `?o1cf A Ãö©ó¤@Ó§A»{ÃѪº¤k«Äªººq